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Registration of Individual Subject Matter Expert

As recorded in the Matriculation/secondary Examination Certificate. Do Not use abbreviations in the First/Middle/last Name.
The candidates are requested to give a valid email-id and ensure that the email id is in use.

Details of Additional Professional Qualification completed to be provided in CV(PDF)
Details of Additional Professional Training Attended to be provided in CV(PDF)
You are required to calculate the total experience you are possessing in years and enter the same in the relevant box against following “Total Experience”.

Only '.pdf' Allowed.

Only '.pdf' Allowed.
Kindly provide the Job Profile and Employer details pertaining to the Present and Previous employment in CV
Kindly provide the details of Research/Publication in CV

Only '.pdf' Allowed.

Only '.png','.jpg','.jpeg' Allowed.
I hereby acknowledge that I have read, understand and agree to the terms & conditions of this empanelment process.
I hereby declare that the information given in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand in case the information is found to be incorrect it may result in the rejection of my empanelment application.