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National Productivity Council (NPC) Library & Documentation Center was established in 1958. It is one of the major resource centers in the field of productivity awareness, dissemination and promotion for research in productivity improvement in India. It has a collection of about 13,000 volumes of books and periodicals, research reports. It receives 45 current journals and Magazines. It is a Depository Library for the publications of the Asian Productivity Organization (APO), Japan. Library collection is rich particularly in the areas of productivity, Industrial management and training, production management, human resource management, energy management etc.


  • Organizing, maintaining and delivering in-house Library services with the help of computer and allied equipments.
  • National Productivity Council Library is functioning as a resource centre for research in productivity awareness and management.


NPC Library provides the following services:

  • Reading facility to access/read
    • Daily Newspapers,
    • Regular Magazines and periodicals,
    • Latest Books of Economic Services, Industrial Engineering, Human Resource Management, Information Technology, Publicity, Energy Management, Environment Management, Agribusiness, Govt. Policy, etc.
    • Hindi Books on drama, poetry, fiction, etc.
    • NPC Reports, Dictionary, Encyclopedia etc.
  • Free access to the subscribed libraries, websites and consortium through desktop access at NPC Library.
  • Free access to the audio –video material through desktops at NPC Library.
  • Issues of Books or Periodicals and free access to e-Granthalya software and e-repository/e-Books through Knowledge Management Portal (applicable to permanent employees of NPC only). The access to e-books to other members shall be provided through Desktop at NPC Library premises.


Membership of the Library is open to the following categories of bonafide Professionals/Research Scholars/Industry Professionals only who are actively involved in research on productivity:

  • All officials of NPC.
  • Faculties and Research Scholars of Universities in India and abroad.
  • Industry Professionals working in engineering and management disciplines.


The Library shall open from 9.00 am to 5.30 pm throughout the year except Saturdays/Sundays and Holidays.


NPC library provides the following services.Click below

For more details, Contact:

Sh. Amitava Ray

Group Head (Admin)


Sh. Yadu Kumar Yadav

Assistant Director
