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Providing advice and handhold health hospitals and related laboratories to improve quality management leading to certification and their capacity building

National Productivity Council (NPC) has signed a MoU with Quality Council of India (QCI) to handhold hospitals and laboratories in India to implement practices based on NABH, Ayushman Bharat Bronze, Silver/Gold standards and NABL standards. There is a need to conduct capacity building programs, provide advisory and technical support, and use technology-based tools to create sustainable work practices that strengthen the quality of health care and laboratory testing in the country.

NPC has partnered with national organizations/firms to assist healthcare facilities including hospitals and laboratories to implement quality practices that would eventually lead to acquiring certification with QCI boards, National Health Systems Resource Centre for National Quality Assurance Standards and other related national/state agencies. Through the empanelled organizations/firms, NPC will provide the requisite services to implement quality practices based on NABH and NABL standards which will result in the hospitals monitoring their progress, performance and outcome on a periodic basis. NPC and empanelled organizations/firms would engage with the Government agencies and hospitals/ laboratories and build project plans to implement quality practices and also conduct capacity building programs in addition to providing other related services.

Note: Click Here For Empanelled Organizations Profile