Economic Services & Productivity Promotion

Economic Services Group specializes in macro and sub-macro level productivity and competitiveness studies with the objective of identifying relevant technological, economic and social factors and analysing the performance of the unit, sector and economy. The Division has a core team of specialists from Economics, Statistics, Management and Technology.


Sectoral / Industry / Product Profile Studies.
Market Potential Assessment.
Socio-economic Impact Studies
Policy Focus / Impact Studies
Productivity Data-Base Development
Productivity & Competitiveness Studies
Monitoring & Evaluation of Government Schemes
Marketing and Product Promotion Studies

---- TEAM ----

Sh.Rajesh Sund
Director Gr-I & Group Head


  Masters of Science (Agricultural Economics)

Dr. Harsh Thukral
Deputy Director


  B.Tech, M.Tech, Ph D

SH.Rajesh Katoch
Deputy Director


Dr. Nitin Aggrawal
Deputy Director


SH.Saurabh Mittal
Assistant Director
