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Competent and qualified human resource is vital to enhance productivity of organizations be it public or private sector. Recruitment is an important activity for productive human resource management. Organizations will not succeed in the long run without effective recruitment despite having good business strategy and plan.

National Productivity Council has been assisting public and private sector organizations in recruitment by conducting examinations both online & offline followed by interviews. The recruitment assistance has been provided successfully to various government and private sector organizations such as Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks (CGPDTM), Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Airport Authority of India, BSES, Paradip Port Trust etc.

NPC specialises in providing end to end solution for recruitment including application processing, providing payment gateway, question paper setting, conduct of offline and online examination, evaluation, conduct of Interviews etc. NPC has been conducting examinations at PAN India level. We also conduct trade related skill tests and typing tests. In past, NPC conducted recruitment for CGPDTM for Group ‘A’ posts for approximately 63000 candidates in 2018 and for 82000 candidates in 2015 across the country.

We aim to provide cost effective, fair and transparent examination process and ensure its completion in unbiased, strictly confidential and hassle free manner.

We welcome any inquiry with regard to your recruitment process and will be happy to assist you.