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Know Your Productivity (KYP)


Introduction about KYP  (Apply Here)

NPC has launched an online tool to Know Your Productivity (KYP) focussed on manufacturing industries and it is free to all. It will be a great help forcompany to understand their productivity status and identify potential improvement areas in short time.

This tool uses a Digital Questionnaire Form which will be filled by interested user. After submitting the form the User will receive his Know Your Productivity report instantly on his email.

The KYP for Manufacturing Industries consist of 9 sections. First section collects detailsabout the user. Remaining 8 sections belong to Finance, HR, Material, Production, Maintenance, Energy, Environment and Goal & Value. All sections have it’s own importance to understand the productivity of a company.

This tool will increase the awareness about Productivity among all segment of industries and will help them immensely to start the productivity improvement journey with low cost /no cost.

Key Benefits

  1. Free of Cost
  2. Perception of Company Productivity
  3. Identify their potential improvement areas
  4. It will take less than 30 Min.
  5. KYPReport will sent on your email instantly

Know your Productivity Score:

KYP for Manufacturing Industries: Apply Here